Ordorheiu Secuiesc

It is the aim and mission of the Transylvanian Heritage House Foundation to preserve, maintain, revitalise and hand down the elements comprising the culture of defunct or declining small communities and those of folk traditions, folk art and folk culture which form a part of Translyvanian and traditional culture, as well as reintroducing these into the current and future cultural landscape over the entirety of Transylvania, Partium and Moldavia.

On this page, you can find information about our head office in Odorheiu-Secuiesc and our programmes, events and activities taking place in Odorheiu-Secuiesc and Scaunul Odorhei.


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Kinda Botond

office manager


Tamás Vanda

cultural organizer


Márton Sándor

cultural organizer


Horváth Réka

cultural organizer

Odorheiu-Secuiesc – regional office